6 Most Common Reasons People Get Cavities

A hole in your tooth? Oh no! Nobody wants that! Today, we’re shedding light on a topic you’re familiar with: cavities. We know, just the word can make you wince. Your Boger Dental team in Plymouth, led by our awesome dentists – Dr. Chad Boger, Dr. Joseph Madden, Dr. Kristi Scherweit, Dr. Anamaria Betterman, Dr. Andrew Zaragoza, and Dr. Benjamin Trapp – is committed to helping you maintain your dental health and happiness. But knowledge is power! So, we’re here to outline “The 6 Most Common Reasons People Get Cavities”. By understanding these triggers, we hope to equip you with the knowledge to prevent these tiny but potent sources of discomfort. 

Reason #1: Hindering Your Hygiene

A robust oral hygiene regimen is your first line of defense against cavities. The team at Boger Dental cannot stress enough the importance of brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and scheduling regular dental cleanings. When you don’t keep up your oral hygiene, plaque builds up on your teeth. Gunky plaque is full of bacteria. If you don’t brush and floss regularly, plaque can lead to tooth decay. Brushing your teeth helps remove plaque from your teeth. But even better, it also gets rid of any leftover food particles (a feast for hungry bacteria). Proper oral hygiene decreases your risk of gum disease. Gum disease can make your teeth fall out (yikes!). So, take a few extra minutes to polish those pearly whites! It can save you from potential irritation and costly dental work in the future!

Reason #2: Sugary Noms And Snackage

Frequent snacking, especially on sugary foods and drinks, could be your ticket to Cavitiesville (population: YOU!). At Boger Dental, our doctors see this scenario often. The reason is that sugar reacts with the bacteria in your mouth to produce harmful acids. These acids attack your tooth enamel and, over time, weaken it, leading to cavities. Frequent snacking means your teeth are continuously under assault, leaving little time for saliva to neutralize these acids and repair the enamel. If you’re a fan of snacks and sweets, it may be time to reassess your eating habits for the sake of your pearly whites.

Reason #3: A Flaw With Fluoride

Fluoride is a superhero for your teeth. It strengthens the tooth enamel and makes it more resistant to the acid attacks that cause cavities. Our team at Boger Dental encourages regular use of fluoride products like toothpaste and mouth rinses. Additionally, fluoridated water and/or fluoride treatments can significantly cut down your chances of cavities. Not having enough fluoride, especially in children, can lead to weak enamel. 

6 Most Common Reasons People Get Cavities

Reason #4: Your Mouth Is Dry As A Desert

Saliva is a true unsung champion of oral health. It washes away food particles and neutralizes harmful acids produced by bacteria in your mouth. Fortunately for you, all of our experienced dental professionals at Boger Dental will tell you that your oral health could be at risk if you have a dry mouth. 

Why? Well, a dry mouth condition, known medically as xerostomia (isn’t that a mouthful?), can lead to cavities because of reduced saliva production. Certain medications, health conditions, or aging can lead to dry mouth. If you’re experiencing this, don’t hesitate to discuss it with your Boger Dental team. Numerous remedies, from specialized products to lifestyle modifications, can help alleviate dry mouth and protect your teeth.

Reason #5: Eating And Drinking Acid (Yes, Acid!)

Just like sugary snacks, eating and drinking foods with high acidity, like citrus fruits, vinegar-based dressings, carbonated waters and soda, might not be great for your chompers. These foods and drinks can destroy your enamel. Our team at Boger Dental sees patients who love these treats but may not realize the toll they’re taking on their oral health. It doesn’t mean you must avoid these foods and drinks entirely; moderation is key. Rinsing your mouth with water after consuming acidic products (carbonated beverages like sparkling water and soda) can also help to neutralize their impact. It’s all about finding balance and taking the necessary precautions to maintain a healthy, cavity-free smile.

Reason #6: Skipping Out On Your Boger Dental Team

At Boger Dental, we understand that life can get busy, and sometimes finding time for regular dental check-ups might seem challenging. However, our dentists strongly emphasize the importance of maintaining regular dental visits. Not only do these appointments allow us to clean your teeth and remove stubborn plaque or tartar professionally, but they also allow us to spot early signs of cavities that you may not be aware of. 

Early detection is crucial in preventing minor issues from becoming major dental problems. Remember, despite your best efforts; some areas take work to reach and clean thoroughly with home dental care. Therefore, having a dental professional examine your mouth is a lifesaver in maintaining oral health and avoiding cavities. Don’t postpone your dental visit. Your smile depends on it!

6 Most Common Reasons People Get Cavities

Treating Cavities At Boger Dental

At Boger Dental in Plymouth, Dr. Chad, Dr. Joseph, Dr. Kristit, Dr. Anamaria, Dr. Andrew, and Dr. Benjamin are committed to helping you understand and implement these essential practices.

Remember, prevention is better than repair, especially when it comes to your oral health. The factors we’ve discussed—poor oral hygiene, frequent snacking and sugary foods, lack of fluoride, dry mouth, acidic foods and drinks, and irregular dental check-ups—are the most common reasons people get cavities. Still, the good news is that they’re all manageable. Now, you’re ready to get started! Visit us here to schedule an appointment.