How Nightguards Affect Your Sleep

Here at Boger Dental, nothing is more important to our team than ensuring that our neighbors in and around Plymouth are happy and healthy. And you know what can put a big damper on that? Bruxism.  

Do you find yourself waking up with headaches or experiencing jaw pain? You might be among the millions of Americans affected by bruxism, the unconscious grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep!Thankfully, one option to help resolve this problem – nightguards. But what are they? How do they work? Who are they for? And how do they help? Well, it turns out that we have a whole team of dedicated dental experts here to answer these questions and much more! 

Read on, and we’ll explore the benefits of nightguards in preventing tooth damage, protecting against temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), reducing headaches, and improving sleep patterns. Discover how nightguards can be a game-changer for your oral health and overall well-being.

Understanding Bruxism and Nightguards  

Bruxism is a common condition, affecting approximately 10% of adults and 15% of children in America. It occurs when people grind or clench their teeth involuntarily while asleep or even during the day. To address this issue, nightguards come to the rescue. A night guard is a thin, transparent device worn over the biting surfaces of the teeth during sleep, creating a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth.

Benefits of Nightguards  

Prevents Tooth Damage  

Unconscious teeth clenching and grinding can lead to tooth damage, including chipped or broken teeth, worn enamel, and damage to fillings. By wearing a nightguard, the forces generated by grinding and clenching are absorbed, preventing direct contact between the teeth. This significantly reduces the risk of tooth damage, saving you from costly dental treatments and preserving your natural teeth.

Protects Against Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) 

Bruxism can contribute to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), a condition that causes muscle tightness and jaw joint dysfunction. The pressure exerted by teeth grinding negatively impacts the muscles, nerves, and ligaments around the jaw, leading to TMJ symptoms. Nightguards help alleviate muscle fatigue and provide a cushioning effect, reducing the strain on the jaw joint. This helps alleviate TMJ pain and discomfort, allowing you to regain normal jaw function.

How Nightguards Affect Your Sleep.Reduces Headaches 

Chronic headaches and tension headaches can often be attributed to bruxism. The constant grinding and clenching of teeth create tension not only in the jaws but also in the head, leading to headaches. Wearing a nightguard can help alleviate this issue by reducing the pressure on the teeth and jaw. The nightguard acts as a buffer, absorbing the forces and preventing them from radiating throughout the head. As a result, the frequency and intensity of headaches can be reduced or even eliminated, providing much-needed relief.

Improves Sleeping Patterns 

Bruxism and TMJ pain can severely impact your sleep quality. Discomfort and pain in the jaw can make it challenging to achieve restful sleep. Nightguards play a vital role in improving sleep patterns by allowing the muscles surrounding the jaw to relax. By providing a cushioning effect, nightguards reduce muscle tension and promote a more comfortable sleep experience. With improved sleep quality, you can wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to tackle the day ahead.

Enhances Overall Well-being  

The benefits of nightguards extend beyond oral health and sleep quality. By addressing bruxism and its associated symptoms, nightguards contribute to your overall well-being. By preventing tooth damage, you maintain a healthy smile and avoid the need for extensive dental treatments. Relief from TMJ pain and headaches allows you to focus on your daily activities without constant discomfort. Moreover, improved sleep quality translates into increased energy levels, enhanced cognitive function, and better mood regulation. Investing in a nightguard protects your teeth and positively impacts your overall quality of life.

Nightguards offer a practical solution for individuals suffering from bruxism, providing a range of benefits such as preventing tooth damage, protecting against TMJ, reducing headaches, and improving sleep quality. If you or a loved one experiences symptoms of bruxism or clenching, consult with a dental professional to determine if a nightguard is a suitable option. By incorporating a nightguard into your nighttime routine, you can protect your teeth, alleviate pain, and enjoy the crucial rest time in between your busy days. Take it from us – they’re a lifesaver! 

How Nightguards Affect Your Sleep.

Still Have Questions? Give us a call! 

Dr. Chad Boger, Joseph Madden, Kristi Scherweit, Anamaria Betterman, Jan Groth, and Benjamin Trapp are committed to providing the highest quality of care to patients in and around Plymouth, and that’s why they’ve taken the time to go over some of the benefits of incorporating a nightguard into your sleeping sessions.

But do you suffer from clenching or grinding? How can you be sure?

It’s simple! Just call today for your consultation. Our team is ready and waiting to work with you to develop the smile of your dreams, and make sure to keep those dreams untroubled by grinding teeth! We’ll see you soon!