Eating Right After a Root Canal: Essential Do’s and Don’ts for a Smooth Recovery

Root canals are a standard procedure designed to preserve a tooth by removing infected or damaged tissue inside it. After undergoing one, you’re probably wondering what to eat and what to avoid to make the recovery process smooth and hassle-free. Getting this part right can make a big difference in how efficiently and comfortably you heal. Let’s dive into the details of the foods you should go for and those you should avoid after a root canal.


What Happens During a Root Canal?

During a root canal, the dentist withdraws the infected or damaged pulp—the tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. Once this tissue is removed, the inside of the tooth is cleaned, disinfected, and sealed to prevent further infection. Though this procedure eliminates pain and infection, the tooth will be sensitive in the days following the procedure. Knowing what to eat helps you avoid irritating the treated area.


Aftercare: Why Eating the Right Foods Matters


Your mouth will feel sensitive after the procedure, especially the gums and surrounding tissues, which might be swollen or inflamed. Your body needs time to heal, and the foods you choose in the days following your treatment will either help or hinder this process. You’ll want to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the treated tooth while also giving your body the nutrients it needs to recover.


What You Should Eat After a Root Canal


So, what are the right foods to eat after a root canal? The answer is simple: soft, non-irritating foods. Here’s a breakdown of some good options.


Soft Foods

Adhere to soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, applesauce, and smoothies. These don’t require a lot of chewing, making them gentle on your mouth. Soups (as long as they’re not too hot), scrambled eggs, and well-cooked pasta are other solid choices. They won’t put any stress on your healing tooth or gums, allowing the area to recover without disruption.


Nutritious Options

Protein-rich foods like eggs, soft tofu, and protein shakes are excellent options. Protein supports tissue repair, which is exactly what your gums and the area around the treated tooth need. You can also mix in foods rich in vitamins A and C, like steamed carrots or sweet potatoes. Vitamin A sustains your mucous membranes, while vitamin C has a role in creating collagen, which supports tissue repair.



Staying hydrated is always a good idea, especially after dental procedures. Stick to water, herbal teas, or broths. Bone broth is a great choice because it contains collagen, which can aid in tissue healing. Make sure your drinks are lukewarm rather than hot, as heat can irritate the sensitive areas in your mouth.


Foods You Should Avoid After a Root Canal


Equally important as knowing what to eat is understanding what foods you should steer clear of. Some foods can irritate the treated area or even cause damage, particularly if a temporary crown or filling is involved.


Hard or Crunchy Foods

Steer clear from hard and crunchy foods like nuts, chips, and popcorn. These foods can be risky, especially since chewing them puts pressure on the treated tooth. Crunchy foods can also cause gum irritation, which is the last thing you want while your mouth is healing.


Chewy or Sticky Foods

Sticky foods like gum, caramels, and taffy can be problematic because they can pull at a temporary filling or crown. Even after the permanent crown is placed, sticky foods can still cling to dental work, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive.


Hot and Spicy Foods

The treated tooth and surrounding tissues will likely be sensitive to heat and spice. Foods that are too hot or spicy can increase discomfort or even cause irritation to the healing tissues. Stick to foods that are lukewarm or cool to keep sensitivity at bay.


Sugary Foods

You’ll also want to avoid sugary foods like candy or sugary drinks. These can contribute to bacterial growth, increasing the risk of further infection, especially around the edges of a temporary crown or filling. Plaque buildup is more likely when sugary foods linger in the mouth, so it’s best to skip them during your recovery.


Additional Aftercare Tips

Apart from eating the right foods, a few additional steps can help your recovery go smoothly.


Pain Management

After your root canal, you might feel some discomfort or soreness. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce this. Applying a cold compress to the side of your face near the treated tooth can also help with swelling and discomfort during the first 24 hours.


Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is still important after a root canal, but you’ll need to be gentle around the treated area. Brush and floss as usual, but be extra cautious near the tooth that underwent treatment. You can also rinse with warm salt water to soothe the gums and keep the area clean.


Follow-Up Appointments

It’s a good idea to attend any follow-up appointments with your dentist at Boger Dental in Plymouth, MN. These check-ups ensure the healing process is going well and give your dentist a chance to place a permanent crown or filling if needed. These appointments are vital for making sure everything heals as it should.


When to Call Your Dentist

Sometimes, even when you follow all the right steps, complications can happen. If you experience severe pain, or excessive swelling, or notice signs of infection like discharge or a persistent foul taste in your mouth, get in touch with Boger Dental right away. These symptoms could indicate that something isn’t healing as expected, and it’s always better to catch and address any issues early on.


Wrapping It Up


Eating the right foods and taking care of your mouth after a root canal helps the recovery process go smoothly. Stick to soft, nutritious foods, stay hydrated, and avoid anything that could disrupt the healing of your tooth. As you heal, retain good oral hygiene and attend your follow-up appointments to ensure everything stays on track.


For expert root canal therapy in Plymouth, MN, or if you have any questions about your recovery, contact Boger Dental. Our doctors ensures that you get the best possible treatment for your needs.